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Steven Cohen invité de novart à Bordeaux
Steven Cohen, Thoughts on performance « Performance art is really about vegetarians eating blood and men fingering their cunts; it is art eating itself and art fucking itself for the first time every time. […] If people encountering my work wonder about what they see, I am happier than if they conclude something - I would rather be the cause of wonder than of conclusion. The value of my work is more in it being a speculum than a suture. » http://vweb.isisp.net/~elu@artslink.co.za/stevencohen/thoughts.htm Rarement la base sous-marine aura aussi bien servi un projet qu’en accueillant pour deux...Lire la suite
Interview de Juan David Nasio au sujet de l'exposition au Grand Palais du peintre Felix Vallotton